10 Ways to get organic traffic for your business

Como Obter Tráfego Orgânico

Growing organic traffic can be challenging for those who have online platforms.

Whether you have a website, blog or social media, it’s important to be able to attract people to your channels. This is a common goal for any business, whether it's a restaurant, store, office or digital project. 

Which requires defining the best strategy to attract new visitors. Above all, knowing how to attract the right people, those who are most likely to generate conversions and sales.

Another goal will be to create a sense of belonging in your community to continue to consume, interact and recommend your contents, products or services.

But how can I attract people organically to my business?

That's what we're going to explain you in this article.

How to Get Organic Traffic

1. Create a specialized blog 

The website is an online business card. After all, if someone searches for your company, it is essential that it finds all the necessary information about your business. However, the information published on a website tends to be static, commercial and corporate.

The same is true in a e-commerce with an online sales catalog. Visitors access the site to make purchases.

But then why do I need to create a blog on my website?

Precisely to work your authority and reputation online. If people are aware that you are an expert in your industry, then they are more likely to purchase your products and be more receptive to new launches.

By creating a niche blog (specialised in a market segment) you will position yourself as an authority on this matter. And so, attracting new visitors and get current customers to access the platform more often. 

The idea is to create content that adds value. What can be a tutorial to teach you how to do something, clarify a frequent question, present tips for solving a problem or publish an interview with a specialist.

I will give you an example to better understand its relevance.

A vegan products company creates a blog for:
  • Explains the advantages of using the products
  • Explaining the benefits of certain foods
  • Teach how to make healthy food recipes
  • Make the producers and origin of your products known
  • Invite a nutritionist to talk about the benefits of eating vegan and clarify associated myths
  • Talking about food seasonality
  • Give homemade beauty tips using natural ingredients

So, every time someone searches on a subject related to this topic, it is very likely that they will find your article, start following your blog and consume your brand's products.

2. Bet on SEO

If you have a website, blog, landing page or YouTube channel then you have to invest on SEO techniques to increase organic traffic.

The SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, optimises searches from Google. The great advantage of SEO is to improve the positioning in the search results, helping your site to receive more organic traffic. 

According to the level of content, hierarchy, and relevance, a certain rank is then assigned on the search pages. And the most relevant content will appear at the top of the pages. Which will generate more visits, leads, customers and sales, organically (and not through advertising).

However, you need to be patient, as an SEO strategy starts to show results only after a few months. The visibility of the website and pages increases as you gain greater authority and trust in the search engines.

And how can I invest in SEO?
  • Create compelling headlines that include long tail keywords (more specific search terms)
  • Select the most searched keywords, in your business area, and include them in your texts, images and tags (labels)
  • Create content that answers people's most frequently asked questions
  • Investigate which topics are most searched for to create content
  • Invest on a link building strategy (build a network of links to your page) 

3. Write articles with links

It may seem like an unimportant detail, but link building is one of the main SEO strategies. 

When creating a network of links to your site, Google will understand that it is a reference in the subject and raise its position on the search pages. And driving traffic to your site will strengthen your popularity and authority online.

Internal links are those that are included on your own pages. These can direct you to related articles on your site, as well as to other referral sites. External links refer to your page on other sites. 

The Google search engine investigates the links, which lead to the site, in order to assess whether it is cited enough and if it has good references. The more links the site receives from trusted sites, the more relevant it shows to be in its area of expertise.

Publish content with links to the site:
  • Write LinkedIn articles that link to your page
  • Publish posts on social networks with access links
  • Share an Infographic with a link for more information
  • Establish partnerships with influencers to mention your brand in your online channels
  • Write opinion articles for your niche blogs
  • Interview prominent professionals in your industry, as you will create valuable content, which will then be shared by the guest on their social networks
  • Promote studies carried out by the company, which will have an enormous potential for sharing by their professional class and the media

4. Participate in videos and podcasts

Video and audio formats are increasingly popular. In the case of videos it will create a greater connection with the public. Since your image, voice and communication tone is more engaging, than a format text.

According to Breadnbeyond, video marketing has the best performance in digital content, generating more views, more interactions and more responses. In fact, 72% of consumers prefer to learn about a product or service from videos and 59% of executives prefer to watch a video, rather than reading text content.

With regard to podcasts, although they are still gaining expression in Portugal, they allow you to work on your authority on the subject.

This is also a way to publicize your project and increase your awareness among the audience of partners and opinion leaders.

5. Promote competitions

It is not new, but a competition is a good initiative to awaken people's interest in your brand and increase your follower base. By publishing the regulation on your website, you will also direct visitors to your platform.

Create a participation mechanism in which, in order to compete, people have to follow your social networks, leave their registration, share information and take action. That can be sending a photo, writing a text or answering a group of questions.  

6. Using OnePress Social Locker

This WordPress plugin allows you to block a certain part of the content, so that people have to perform an action on social networks - like on Facebook, subscribe to the YouTube channel, share on Twitter or follow their social networks - if you want to continue to view or receive something in return.

This tool is valid for several formats, such as text, video, image, infographic or form. However, use the OnePress Social Locker sensibly. Let the visitor have access to a good part of the content, before blocking his access.

The goal is to make your online presence stronger.

7. Create educational and informational materials

How many times have you given your personal data in exchange for sending an ebook, template or study carried out by a company?

When producing content that is relevant to your target audience, you will be seen as a reference in this theme and foster a sense of gratitude towards you. For example, if you offer an editorial calendar, with content suggestions for six months, to a brand manager, he will be grateful for your contribution.

This will increase the number of leads to your database and the sales of your products and services.

8. Highlight the best experts 

Do you know those articles that highlight the 20 best culinary blogs, the 10 best apps for Instagram or the 30 best hotels in Lisbon? 

Believe that articles The Best Of are the most searched online. Therefore, create content that highlights the best professionals, companies or solutions in a category, which is related to your business.

If you have a software company and quote “The 10 tech blogs you can't miss”, not only will you produce relevant content with your audience, you will also place links to reference sites on your page and encourage article sharing, by these opinion leaders, reaching more people.

9. Reuse content for various formats

Making the most of time and information is a powerful tool. After all, resources are limited and to maintain a constant online presence it is necessary to produce content frequently.

As such, take the opportunity to reuse the same content, in various formats and for different platforms. 

How to monetize the same content:
  • Write an article for the blog about “7 Foods Rich in Vitamin C”
  • Share the article on social media
  • Develop an Instagram story with 7 foods
  • Record a video with this information, showing the food
  • Create 7 posts (in text or video, with each food) for publication on social networks
  • Develop an infographic, highlighting food and key benefits

10. Make live videos

Nowadays, it is possible to broadcast live to all social networks: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Whether on an open channel or by subscribing (data registration with email automation), this is an excellent way to attract attention and generate greater interaction with your audience, offering them valuable content, such as a webinar and Q&A.

By recording live videos, you will create a close and trusting relationship with your followers, who will be able to talk to you, asking you questions. And if you have a special guest it will attract even more audiences.

At the end of the recording, people will be so grateful that when they request an action (registration, purchase or download) they will get a much higher response rate, as they tend to act at the moment. 

Did you find this article useful? Then share it with anyone who thinks you are in need of this advice.

Poppy Power Public Relations develops communication strategies for professionals, brands and companies. Contact us and find out how we can help your project or business.

Rita Carvalho

Founder of Poppy Power Public Relations and expert in Communication, Strategy and Content Marketing.

  • Reply Teresa Pereira Reis

    August 28, 2020, 2:34 pm

    Olá! que artigo tão interessante, estou a relançar o meu pequeno projeto que foi interrompido por causa da pandemia e estou a dar os primeiros passos nesta aprendizagem.
    A minha formação é educação de infância mas quero muito ganhar a minha liberdade enquanto contribuo com valor ao meu nicho de mercado.
    Tenho tanto que aprender! tudo me parece tão complexo! alguma sugestão motivacional para uma early bird como eu?
    Muito obrigada e parabéns pela forma como disponibilizam tantas ferramentas úteis nos vossos canais.

    • Reply Rita Carvalho

      August 31, 2020, 12:53 am

      Olá Teresa.

      Agradeço o seu comentário tão amável e fico muito feliz por saber que o artigo foi útil.

      Como primeiro passo, recomendo criar um blog temático, dedicado à área em que pretende apostar, de modo a produzir conteúdos relacionados e começar a ganhar autoridade online. E ter pelo menos uma a duas redes sociais, em que possa promover os seus conteúdos e dar a conhecer o seu trabalho ou paixão ao público.

      No entanto, é importante manter a consistência e frequência. Ou seja, publicar pelo menos um artigo no blog por semana e três posts nas redes sociais por semana. E depois ir aumentando a frequência de publicação, à medida que vai desenvolvendo o seu projeto.

      Outra recomendação, é investir em formação na área digital, pois vai ajudá-la a adquirir mais conhecimentos para desenvolver uma estratégia no futuro.

      Caso tenha interesse, pode acompanhar a página da Academia de Conteúdos no Facebook, já que vou iniciar cursos online de curta duração, na área de marketing de conteúdos, em breve – https://www.facebook.com/academiadeconteudos/.

      Obrigada e boa semana!